القائمة الرئيسية


التّأويل والتّفكيك عند أمبرتو إيكو بين فعل القراءة وفعالية القارئ

التّأويل والتّفكيك عند أمبرتو إيكو بين فعل القراءة وفعالية القارئ
التّأويل والتّفكيك عند أمبرتو إيكو بين فعل القراءة وفعالية القارئ
It is known that the theory of reading and reception has been proposed by (Hans Robert Jauss) and (Roman Jacobson) has invested in establishing the rules of the communication process, focusing on the )recipient). And then receiving strategy was developed by (Wolfgang Iser).and although (Umberto Eco) did not devote his theoretical writings for the theory of reading and receiving, However, his contributions in this field have emerged remarkably in his various critical books on the theory of interpretation, including: the reader in the story, open work, the limitations of interpreting, hermeneutics between semiotics and deconstruction, where he talked about the semiotic reading and reader type attributes, and reading mechanisms, conditions of interpretation and deconstruction.
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